Another World - Kapitel 8
Zac Efron hoppade in i samma taxi som mig! Jag tittade på honom med stora ögon men han bara log. "Hi! I'm Zac!" sa han och sträckte fram handen. Jag tog den och skakade försiktigt. Jag vet inte varför jag var så nervös... Normalt var jag världens gladaste, bubbligaste och sociala person, men nu... Asså föriheleve, det var ju Zac Efron for crying out loud! "And you are..?" "Oh, I'm Angie, Angie Hansen!" sa jag och log.
Min mobil vibrerade. 'Hi Babe! Skype? i miss you! <3 xx'. Jag hade varit här i NY två dagar nu, och det var precis så awsome jag föreställt mig, om inte bättre! Vädret var jätte bra! Shoppingen var överdrivet awsome, och alla människor var ur trevliga! Zac och jag hade kommit jätte bra överens, han bodde på samma hotell också, så det var bra. 'Sure <3' svarade jag och satte igång datan.
Harrys Perspektiv.
God, I missed my girl. I had'nt talked to her since she left, even though it's just been 2days. "Hey handsome!" Angie said as I answerd the skype call. "Hi love!" I said with the biggest smile on my face. Jeez, she was beauitful. "How are you babe?" I asked. "Amazing! But I miss you." she said and smile big, showing of her beautiful teeth. "How about you?" she continued. "Great, a bit stressed, and I miss you too." "Awh, why babe?" she asked and did a sadface, as a joke, still looking gorgeous! "There's just a lot of intervjuves, and shows and everything right now... Would be nice with a break..." I said, looking a bit sad. "Like, don't get me wrong, I love what we're doing, but sometimes it just gets to much..." I contiued... "Awh! It's okay baby! But I'm sure you lads will get a break soon!" she said and smiled her beautiful smile that always lit up my day. "Maybe... As you might now our managment are idiots!" "Yeah, I know..." she said and rolled her eyes, making me laugh. Why was she so perfect?! "So, how is it in NY?" "Great! Oh my god! It's absolutly amazing! It's exactly what I imagined, and better! The people, the city, the shopping! And the accents, oh their accents! Haha, it's soo cool!" she said, smiling and looking all extatic! "Great babe! So, I guess I don't have to ask if you've bought anything? You did that the very first day I assume?" I laughed. "Haha, yeah.. You sure know me babe!" "Any favorite shop?" I asked, trying to get the convo going.. Even though I didn't give a shit about clothes, and fashion, and shopping, when my girl talked about it, it was amazing! Everything she said got interesting! "Sice when did you care about fashion?" she said, laughing. "But yes, actually... And I think you'll like it to.." she continued, reaching for something. "Tada!" she said, taking out a 'Victoria Secret' bag. "Aaa.. Care to show anything, on babe?" she just laughed and rolled her eyes. She got a text. As she read it, a huge smile spread on her face. "Sorry Haz, gotta go. I'm meeting up with a friend." she said. "Oh, who?" I asked, pretty shocked since she's never been in NY before, and I didn't know about any friends. "No-one special, just a friend." she said and smiled her enchanting smile again."Okay babe, talk to me tomorrow okay?" she noded. "Love you!" I said. "Love you too!" she did a kissing face and closed the computer. Wonder where she's going? Oh well...
"Hey Haz, wanna goin us to the beach?" Louis asked, with Eleanor on his arm. "Sure. As long as you guys don't make out all the time!" I said and smiled cheekily. "We're probably gonna.. But it's okay, the other lads are going us too." Lou said and kissed El. I rolled my eyes and went to grab my bathing pants.
Jag bestämde mig för att fortsätta, woho! Haha :) Så, här är ett kapitel! :)
Jag bestämde mig för att fortsätta, woho! Haha :) Så, här är ett kapitel! :)

yay! Jag är glad att du fortsatte! :D